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No New Posts Guarida Roca

Rock Lair - This is the first claimable land you will step upon when you enter the North Eastern Island. It is named for the series of rock hideouts that dot the black beach. The territory does run into the main part of the island and can sustain a small herd of horses.

Claimed by Zilix

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No New Posts Apertura Estéril

The land of Apertura Estéril is a barren one, wide open and plain, there is little to this land that is terribly welcoming. A few lone trees offer shelter, and grass is sparse. Water is more plentiful than grass, but only a few spring fed pools dot the ground. A small herd can survive here, but be careful you do not use all your food and water resources.


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No New Posts Bosque Oscuro

Bosque Oscuro or Dark forest is located in the middle of the North Eastern Island. It appears rich in nutrients and seems to go against everything that the other lands represent. Tall lush trees fight their way to the canopies to get fresh sun light. Abundant grass grows and a huge streams runs through the territory. But be warned, it seems that where the grass grows the nicest there is also a threat. Sink holes dot this terrain, threatening to take any creature that makes the mistake of stepping into one to their deaths.

Claimed by Nocturno

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No New Posts Arena del Desierto

Arena del Desierto or Desert Sand is exactly what it says. it is a territory of nothing but white sand that runs along the coast of the Island. It is a large territory taking up the would southern end of the island and running a few miles inland. The only water on the island is a pool that forms from one of the streams that runs through the island. The food source is plentiful once you move more inland. Be careful though, this land catches all of the afternoon heat, and if you don't find shelter quick you can bet your mind will begin playing tricks on you.


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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
North Eastern Island
Deaths Land - It receives its name from the mostly barren, yet claimable lands, that it holds. Many are filled with rocks, barren plains or even sink holes. To live here one must very much be a Brave soul.
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